Find 2 articles that address the game Ultima Online and/or the general topic of massively multi player online role-playing games (MMORPGs).

Research Deliverables

  1. For each article, provide the complete reference. This includes the title, author(s), date of publication, name of the publication, and link to the online resource if there is one.
  2. For each article, provide a one paragraph summary of the main points.
  3. Answer the following questions concerning MMORPGs (refer to the 2 articles where ever possible):
    1. How do you win such a game?
    2. Describe the purpose of play.
    3. Describe the rules of play.
    4. Describe how the rules are enforced.
    5. Describe the social benefits.
    6. Why do you think these games have become so popular?
    7. Describe those aspects of the game that might have a negative impact on players, such as social and psychological effects.
    8. Describe how such games might be made more educational.


title: Ultima Online
Author: Al Giovetti
Date: 09/15/1996
Publication: N/A
Online Resource: thecomputershow.com/computershow/

This article is interesting because it was written while Ultima Online was still in its beta testing stage. Al Giovetti, the author of this article thoroughly explains the many aspects, background and history of the game and mentions its inception as far back as the "late 70's and early 80's" before the game was ever online. Describing the skill a character has in the game Giovetti states that all citizens in the land of Lord British are limited to "ten skills" and that "the goal of players is to spend time online, prosper in the society, and build an empire to defend against thieves and evil doers." He goes on to explain how citizens can have actual careers and professions or hire people to do the job for them while they collect revenue. Another important aspect are the rules that prevent citizens from attacking each other without being provoked, to "avoid random mayhem."


title: MMORPG Spotlight: Ultima Online
Author: Khimera
Date: N/A
Publication: N/A
Online Resource: mmorpgcafe.com/full_article.php?article_id=46

The author of this article pretty much worships the ground that Lord British of Ultima Online walks on. Most of the article is a ramble on his musings over the landscape of Britannia (the world of Ultima Online) or "moongates, and magic." Unfortunately he describes neither. So what did I learn from this article? Well, I found out that Ultima Online was released in 1997 and it marked the beginning of the "true MMORPG." The first release of the game had a rocky start and gave user much to wish for. However even with it's shortcomings Ultima Online eventually grew to house 230,000 subscribers. The author also points out the game's "trade skills" which each citizen in Britannia can have, for example: Alchemy, Animal Training, Carpentry, Cooking and much more. Also briefly mentioned was the games eventual progression into the 3d graphics realm.


  1. How do you win such a game?

    You don't, according Al Giovetti of The Computer Show site, "The goal of players is to spend time online, prosper in the society, and build and empire to defend against thieves and evil doers." In other words, "you check in, but you never check out." Unless you turn off the computer :)

  2. Describe the purpose of play.

    Ultima Online was meticulously made so that everything in the game has a purpose and anything a citizen does will affect everything else in Britannia Like a chain reaction of events. Once again Al Giovetti of The Computer Show site explains it the best by stating "Everything in the land has a purpose and an effect. If you eliminate or cull a population of one thing, another population will grow or suffer due to the effect."

  3. Describe the rules of play.

    Ultima Online has a set of rules very much like our real-life government and judicial system. There is even punishment for committing an act of violence against another citizen without provocation.

  4. Describe how the rules are enforced.

    To every act their is a punishment, like incarceration or fines, further emphasizing the cause and effect aspect of the game.

  5. Describe the social benefits.

    In the game or in real life? Within the game, a citizen is governed by a set of sociological rules that apply to all. If those rules are broken, then there are consequences. Just like in real life. Which makes me wonder why I would want to play this game when I can venture in my own life to experience such things. I suppose its safer and you don't really lose anything if you fail, but then what is the point. You do interact with real people in a digital format and that, has its own appeal.

  6. Why do you think these games have become so popular?

    Being in a fantasy world is appealing to most people including myself. Having no boundaries and transporting yourself to a different time period and all. A bit romantic maybe. To escape the real. Pure enjoyment.

  7. Describe those aspects of the game that might have a negative impact on players, such as social and psychological effects.

    People are meant to live out their lives. It's a bit daunting to imagine how many hours are being spent living a fantasy life that will never reap any rewards. Suddenly finding yourself at the end of your life only remembering digital moments and not anything substantial. That is my extreme and highly depressing interpretation. But on the positive side, for those that are mature enough to play such a game and leave it behind whenever they choose I'm sure it's fine. I would probably enjoy playing it once in a while, but then again I'm not mature at all. I'm confused :P

  8. Describe how such games might be made more educational.

    Since the game already focuses on so many societal aspects of real life, maybe to make it even more educational one could take actual classes in the game that train people to get a degree. Which at the same time would teach them real subjects like, Economics, Math and English.